UK Government 2020
SAGE NERVTAG Government Report on VOC (Variant of concern) SARS_CoV_2 B.1.1.7 21st January 2021
The SAGE/NERVTAG review into VOC B117 it’s effects.
The Coronavirus (Retention of Fingerprints and DNA Profiles in the Interests of National Security) (No. 2) Regulations 2020
The Secretary of State is harvesting & retaining all DNA & fingerprints from ALL Covid tests from October 2020 until March 2021.
Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures
SAGE published report March 2020 on how to utilise psychological manipulation on the population
“There are nine broad ways of achieving behaviour change: Education, Persuasion, Incentivisation, Coercion, Enablement, Training, Restriction, Environmental restructuring, and Modelling (2, 3). We have focused on those that are most relevant for this task and where there is evidence to draw on.”
Coronavirus Act 2020 - Changes for Mental Health
The UK Government has changed the Mental Health Act for Corona. One doctor, unknown to the patient now has the power to decide to section the patient indefinitely.
Neil Ferguson's Imperial model could be the most devastating software mistake of all time
2001: Ferguson model on foot and mouth disease to cull animals to prevent spread. Cost 10 billion pounds, turned out to be “severely flawed”
2002: Ferguson predicts Mad Cow disease worse case would be 50,000, then 150,000 deaths. Total deaths were 177.
2005: Ferguson claims 200 million could die from bird flu,. Only 282 people died worldwide.
2009: Ferguson claimed swine flu had fatality of 0.3-1.5%, lead to 65,00 deaths in UK. Only 457 people died, death rate of 0.026.
2020: Ferguson models COVID-19, worst case is 2.2. million dead in US, 500,000 in UK. No one reviewed the code or model prior to governments using it to base decisions. So far model proven false.
A “do nothing” model is basically what Sweden has done. The projected deaths in the US was 0.75% of the population, and the UK was 0.67% of the population. Taking 0.7% of the Swedish population gives 71,610 dead. Is that was happened? No. Sweden has 2,586 deaths.
Ferguson’s model was off by an order of 27 when looking at Sweden. That’s a gross overestimation of deaths from a ‘no nothing’ model of governments. Sweden has made recommendations, and people have chosen to isolate or distance at their leisure. But no lockdown measures were implemented. No forced closing of businesses.